We all know there is something about chocolate that just makes us feel good.


But did you know that cacao - the plant that chocolate comes from - contains several mood enhancing compounds associated with pleasure, happiness and well being? That’s right! Cacao makes you feel good!

Cacao is rich in flavonoids, particularly epicatechin, which supports heart health by improving blood flow, reducing inflammation and promoting healthy blood pressure levels.

Some research suggests cacao’s flavonoids have a positive impact on cognitive function. Regular consumption may support memory and overall brain health.

And cacao helps reduce stress and anxiety by promoting relaxation and a sense of well being. The magnesium in cacao is a big contributor to this.

A cacao ceremony is a kind of plant medicine journey.

A cacao journey will gently open you to opportunities for more joy and love. It facilitates emotional release and introspection.

The ritual of drinking cacao and connecting with her earthy wisdom and loving acceptance gently guides your choices. It sets the stage for whatever you want to attract. She helps you see how everything can empower you. Cacao connects you to the possibilities you may not recognize at first.

The Aztecs used cacao in ceremonies and rituals to honor God. In fact, the active compound in cacao, theobromine, translates to “food of the Gods”. Cacao was often traded with other countries and this is how it spread to other parts of the world. Consuming the food of the Gods seems like a good choice.

Cacao is a good source of essential nutrients like magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, and various vitamins, especially B vitamins.

Cacao’s compounds can help regulate appetite creating a sense of fullness. It also has antiviral compounds. Some research suggests cacao may improve insulin sensitivity and help regulate blood sugar levels.


Lift your day with cacao.

Lake Atitlan in Guatemala was, for many years, the home of the Chocolate Shaman – aka Keith Wilson. Keith’s Cacao is one of the most conscious, lovingly produced and revered products you can find. It is the real thing. No other cacao compares. A link to his site is found below.

Cacao ceremonies can help you access non-ordinary reality.

Shamans in the Mayan and Aztec traditions have used cacao for various types of rituals, ceremonies and for journeying. The Aztecs used cacao and psilocybin or magic mushrooms, for journeying into the spiritual realms.

Ceremonial cacao is known for it’s heart opening, mood enhancing qualities providing easy access to emotions and the inner world.

Ceremonies are intentional experiences conducted with a leader or facilitator, sometimes with a Shaman. It is considered a sacred and medicinal plant by Mesoamerican indigenous cultures.

Cacao is used to facilitate healing, support introspection and enhance spiritual exploration. Ceremonies can be solo journeys, large groups or anywhere in between.

Cacao is a tool for personal growth, self reflection and spiritual development.

Client Comments:

+ Look no further

If you’re looking for a change you can feel empowered by, look no further. If you’ve stumbled across her information know that it was divine intervention. This is your sign. You are home. — Paige A.

+ Blown away

My first (of many) experiences with cacao shifted a long time obstacle out of the way and allowed me to move forward lighter, clearer, and freer. I recommend Suzanne to everyone! — Kristin V.

Frequent Questions:

+ How much caffeine is in cacao?

It varies depending on the type of cacao. The one that I recommend and use is lower than most. I’m sensitive to caffeine and I don’t find it to be anything like coffee.

+ What can I expect from drinking cacao?

If you drink a ceremonial dose, you can expect to feel pleasantly present, calm and yet focused.

+ How do you consume the cacao?

You can make a smoothie a very simple version of hot chocolate.

+ Why is cacao used in journeys?

Because it helps facilitate whatever process you would like to engage in. It creates ease and receptivity in looking at ourselves.