“If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” - Nikola Tesla

The fundamental forces that govern the universe are all described in terms of energy. When we give this simple universal truth value and importance in our lives, we start to make different choices.

We are also energy. At our most basic level, we are energy that has become organized into a body. We are inseparably intertwined with and connected to the earth. The earth energies produce our food. Food produces our body. We experience life through our body.

Energy is the most fundamental aspect of the entire universe and of who we are. It connects everything.

How and where do we begin to create a more conscious relationship with this fundamental force or energy?

Resonance is a fundamental vibrational concept that can be understood from both scientific and holistic perspectives.

It is the matching of vibrational frequencies. In the simplest terms, like attracts like.

The vibration and frequency, the energy, of our thoughts, beliefs, and actions, our desires and intentions, and much more, creates a reality and experiences that matches that vibration.

Everything has its own unique vibrational frequency or energetic signature. Coming into resonance with new frequencies, minimally, expands your energetic index. Maximally, it expands your consciousness. Why is expanding our consciousness important?

“All thoughts are energy. You can make your world or break your world by your thinking.” - Wayne Dyer

The mind, body, and spirit connection is a broad and flexible concept that can be experienced and understood in various ways, depending on individual beliefs, cultural backgrounds and personal experiences.

Nurturing the mind-body-spirit connection enhances well being and self-awareness and encourages a deeper sense of purpose and fulfillment in life. This in turn, supports us in living a spiritual life.

More conscious humans would mean a more conscious world. Most of us would agree that fundamental change is needed in our world. This change begins with each and every one of us. And if we are on auto-pilot or in default mode with the way we are living our lives, change isn’t possible.

In what ways can you become more conscious or better know what’s going on inside yourself where your whole life takes place?

Energy, evolution, enlightenment, and consciousness. What’s the connection?

Energy is movement. Moving beyond our current state is evolution. Holding more light is enlightenment. Consciousness is being aware.

Consciousness is awareness. Consciousness is what allows you to experience your reality. It is self awareness. It’s perception. Thoughts and cognition. Emotions and feelings.

Awareness is being awake and responsive to the external world as well and your internal world of thoughts and feelings.

Consciousness is being aware and awareness is being conscious. The more we evolve, the more conscious we become and the more light we can embody and hold.

Wanna go deeper? Experience more? Click the link below.

“The more you lose yourself in something bigger than yourself, the more energy you will have.” -Norman Vincent Peale

Client Comments:

+ Releasing energy

Thank you for helping me release energy and emotions I could not on my own. You are a gifted and compassionate healer and yoga teacher. – 10 year client

+ The best I’ve felt

I feel like you took my troubled organs in your hands and rocked them in heaven. It is the best I’ve felt and the most positive in a long time because you let me feel my power. — spirituality course client

+ Mind blowing change

The changes in the way my home feels are undeniable! And the clearing of my property has created far reaching, positive change in some of my most important relationships. - private yoga client

+ A noticeable difference

My business needed some enlivening. Suzanne suggested we clear the space and be more intentional. It felt different right away. I noticed a change in the traffic in my store and the overall energy in my building. - business energy client

+ A gift to our generation

Suzanne's knowledge, love and light are blessings to our generation. I've had the privilege to get fully certified in Reiki and take her 200 hour yoga training program twice. These are tools that I will have in my pocket for the rest of my life, and tools that I use every single day. - 15 year client and student